Friday 23 April 2021

Dairy of a Wimpy kid

 We are currently doing Diary of a Wimpy Kid in class as a class reader and use the book for our Grammar and Language as well as Creative Writing work in class.

For World Book Day we had to decorate our doors as a book. We have chosen Diary of a Wimpy Kid and on World Book Day some of the children dressed up as one of the characters.

World book day

 We have had a wonderful dress up day at school on World Book day The children were very creative and put in lots of effort in their costumes.

The teachers also participated


Tuesday 23 March 2021

Fun activity in Afrikaans.

 Children worked in groups and created their own houses and using all the rooms we have     covered during the term. They had to label each item in the rooms and then the groups reported back afterwards in Afrikaans

Grade 3 2021


Thursday 4 March 2021

Weight lifting ECO challenge

 Grade 3 L participated in the ECO olympics first challenge. They had to donate unused clothes and it was weighed to earn point for the country (SPAIN)